Vibration Measurement

elstar starline software

ELSTAR manufactures a comprehensive range of signal analysis equipment with emphasis on machine vibration measurement. This together with representing world class sensor manufacturers allows us to provide you with a complete solution to your measurement, production testing and condition monitoring requirements.   

Rotating Machinery Analysers Starline Sensors

ELSTAR equipment is designed and developed by engineers with extensive experience in the field of machinery diagnostics. This results in supplying measurement equipment that focuses on the practicalities of field measurements.

ELSTAR CALSTAR is a multi purpose calibration system designed to work as a stand alone vibration transducer calibrator, a balance facillity bearing pedestal stiffness measuring system or a Cabstar signal line calibrator. 

When acquiring data in a measurement task that requires multi channel data to be collected in a manner suited to different measurement types .

Let's say you are faced with a measurement task where some channels measure vibration on a fixed frequency range at a sample rate of 2kHz and others are measuring temperature say every 10 seconds. If all your channels are locked together  using the same the data acquisition set up, you must choose the vibration set up for all channels. This is just fine for the vibration analysis, but you are taking a way too much data for your temperature channels.

The solution is to set your Corvus system up with two processes one sampling at 2kHz and the one shot every 10 seconds. You just allocate the relevant channels to their measurement process. The measurement system needs to be able to synchronise all processes so that the data can be displayed live or recorded and played back with all channel data with the correct timing.

There are two levels of Corvus:

  • Corvus Lite - Supports up to 268 dynamic or static (machine variables) channels and up to 2 measurement processes.

  • Corvus Full - Supports up to 1024 dynamic or static (machine variables) channels and up to 8 measurement processes that can be distributed on up to 8 data collection PC's.

A system where up to 8 processes can be defined in a single data acquisition station situated remotely (over the Ethernet) up to 100m away from the workstation running Corvus. The channel count is limited only by the capability of the hardware. The data acquisition station can be positioned close to the measurement points reducing cable lengths and thus improving the signal quality.

Data Acquisition hardware: National Instruments PXIe-1082 portable 8 Slot rack with PXIe-8840 controller. A combination of up to 8 different Data Acquisition card types. Analog channel count 128.

Computer: Any PC running Windows 7 SP1 or above. 

A system where up to 6 remote data acquisition stations each running up to 8 processes can be defined. Each data acquisition station can be situated remotely (over the Ethernet) up to 100m away from the workstation running Corvus. The channel count is limited only by the capability of the hardware. The data acquisition stations can be positioned close to the measurement points reducing signal cable lengths and thus improving the signal quality.

Data Acquisition hardware: 6 x National Instruments PXIe-1082 portable 8 Slot racks with PXIe-8840 controller. A combination of up to 8 different Data Acquisition card types per rack. Analog signal channel count 768

Computer: Any PC running Windows 7 SP1 or above. 

This is a highly portable entry level system.You just need Corvus Lite,a Notebook PC and a compact National instruments USB-9234 4 channel data acquisition module and your ready to start measuring.

The USB-9234 has a switchable IEPE constant current supply built in which enables you to connect a wide range of sensors eg. Dytran Accelerometers, directly to the BNC inputs.

This is a very powerfull analyser with recording direct to disk whils displaying real time data in a wide range of plot formats.

Data Acquisition hardware: National Instruments USB-9234.

Computer: Any Portable PC running Windows 7 SP1 or above (Must support at least 1 USB port, Ethernet or Wireless). 

An extremely flexible portable system. You can add up to 32 channels as required to suite your measurement task, or you can mix 2 module types in one compaq Daq chassis as Corvus Lite supports 2 Processes.

Data Acquisition hardware: National Instruments cDAQ-9178 for USB control or cDAQ-9189 for Ethernet control. Up to 8 NI-9234 4 channel modules or a second type of CDAQ module.

Computer: Any Portable PC running Windows 7 SP1 or above (Must support at least 1 USB port, Ethernet or Wireless). 

A powerful rotating machinery analysis system that you can take to site and attach up to 32 dynamic channels or split into two processes and measure dynamic signals such as vibration and a second process for slow changing machine condition signals. Machine runups and rundown can be analysed and at the same time streamed direct to disk so that no data is lost and the data replayed for re-analysis later.

Data Acquisition hardware: National Instruments cDAQ-9178 for USB control or cDAQ-9189 for Ethernet control. Up to 8 NI-9234 4 channel modules or a second type of CDAQ module.

Computer: Any Portable PC running Windows 7 SP1 or above (Must support at least 1 USB port, Ethernet or Wireless). 

Corvus options: Option 1- Ring BufferOption 3- Streamed Data Storage,  Option 18-Rotor Analysis Toolkit


This is a feature which allows you to remotely station the data acquisition hardware and perform analysis and carry out setting up procedures over the internet. With this setup you to leave the Corvus data aquisition hardware next to a machine, visualise and store signal data from your office. This example uses a single slot chassis, but a multi-slot chassis could also be utillised for a higher channel count.

Data Acquisition hardware: National Instruments cDAQ-9181 for Ethernet control. One NI-9239 4 channel modules connected to a Shuttle bare bones PC.

Computer: Any Portable PC running Windows 7 SP1 or above connected to the Internet. 

Corvus options: Will operate with any of the standard Corvus options 

Data is acquired and stored in a cyclic function on disk memory until a ring buffer trigger event is registered. A triggered event could be manual, timed or a channel alarm amplitude level crossing or skyline alarm. Then a predefineable posttrigger timer is decremented to zero and then stops the data storage. Thus the ringbuffer can be divided in pre- and posttrigger domains. Data recorded before the start of the posttrigger counter is in the pretrigger domain, data recorded after the start of the counter is in the posttrigger domain. The size (time) of the pre- and posttrigger domain can be set by the user from 1s to 1h each. Ring buffer trigger events can be generated manually or when signal alarms are detected.

Allows you to create timing or a sequence of conditions to trigger and control data storage.The example below utillises two methods of data storage to store data during an alarm event.The trigger event shown is a simple level crossing alarm indicated by a red line. The measured data is displayed as a black solid trace.In this case when the channel alarm level is exceeded a ring buffer storage with a preand post time of 5 seconds is triggered, a one shot measurement is made at the maximumvalue of the measurement period. After the maximum value no further trigger will occureuntill the signal value falls below the arlarm threshhold level where the ring buffer storage function will be initialised ready for the next event.

Elstar has worked closely with several large rotating machine manufacturers to create a range of equipment suited to measuring Balance, Run out, Vibration, Go/NoGo, Machine Condition and more. We have equipment in factory shop floors, large balancing facilities, Nuclear Power Plant as well as in the field of vibration diagnostic.

We also have a team of engineers who have many years of experience of on site machine diagnostics. We would be happy to assist you with our Elstar Services team to solve your rotating machinery problems.


ELSTAR offer a range of products concentrating on the rotating machinery industry. We have concentrated our efforts over many years to develop software, hardware and service solutions to assist in increasing efficiency and quality when carrying out vibration analyses or balancing medium to large rotors. We offer a range of standard products which can be scaled to your application or we are happy to work with you developing customised solutions. We have been able to assist companies worldwide with solutions enabling them to increase their efficiency and productivity.

Orbistar advanced Wireless Runout system

Especialy develloped for accurately measuring large rotors, Orbistar is certainly one of the most advanced runout systems available.

Using gauging and eddy current probes attached to a wireless front end unit together with Tiltex our wireless rotor angular sensor, a full range of Runout measurements can be performed.


Orbistar logo

is a simple to use mechanical and electrical run out measurement system with the following highlights.

  • Up to two complete (mechanical and electrical) run out channels 
  • Simple probe setup utility with bar graphs 
  • Automatic reporting function with amplitude and phase plots which can be setup to match your company format 
  • Math function for mechanical or electrical subtraction 
  • Eddy probes and mechanical gaging probes supplied with optional cable lengths 
  • Encoder option for hand turning operations 
  • Data acquisition module interface over USB enabling portable (notebook) or fixed installations



Corvus is Elstars general purpose, highly scalable vibration signal analyser.

We can deliver Corvus as a compact Lite version set up as a 4 channel portable analyser right up to a Corvus Full version with a configuration of up to a 1000 channels set up as a  multi process distributed analysis system.

With the abillity to be connected to a wide range of hardware suppliers, Corvus makes it simple to meet your measurement requirements.

Corvus is an open system in terms of hardware and supports, but is not limited to, a wide range of National Instrument devices.

There are two levels of Corvus:

Corvus Lite - Supports up to 268 dynamic or static (machine variables) channels and up to 2 measurement processes.

Corvus Full - Supports up to 1024 dynamic or static (machine variables) channels and up to 8 measurement processes that can be distributed on up to 8 data collection PC's.

As a guide, we have put together a series of packages for both levels of systems based on National Instruments hardware.



Corvus is Elstars general purpose, highly scalable vibration signal analyser.

We can deliver Corvus as a compact Lite version set up as a 4 channel portable analyser right up to a Corvus Full version with a configuration of up to a 1000 channels set up as a  multi process distributed analysis system.

With the abillity to be connected to a wide range of hardware suppliers, Corvus makes it simple to meet your measurement requirements.

Corvus is an open system in terms of hardware and supports, but is not limited to, a wide range of National Instrument devices.

There are two levels of Corvus:

Corvus Lite - Supports up to 268 dynamic or static (machine variables) channels and up to 2 measurement processes.

Corvus Full - Supports up to 1024 dynamic or static (machine variables) channels and up to 8 measurement processes that can be distributed on up to 8 data collection PC's.

As a guide, we have put together a series of Corvus packages for both levels of systems based on National Instruments hardware.


We have put together a series of packages for Corvus. These are intended as a guide, as Corvus supports a wide range of National Instruments hardware you can configure your system to exactly suite your measurement requirements.

There are several powerful options available for Corvus to assist you in achieving your measurement task.

Please click Corvus-7-Supported-Hardware.pdf to download list of hardware supported by Corvus.

Corvus supports a wide range of National Instruments Signal sources as well as:

  • Digital interface to Datatel telemetry systems thus eliminating the need for converting data from Digital to Anallog and then back to Digital format.
  • Interface to HBM QuantumX amplifier.
  • Argus data aquisition System. 


logois able to provide you with Dytran Logo all blue the best fitting sensor solution.

Non Contact Vibration sensors

AMS 3110 2 Channel shaft vibration transmitter for eddy probe transducers

AMS 3120 2 Channel pedestal bearing transmitter for seizmic transducers

AMS 3125 2 Channel pedestal bearing transmitter for piezoelectric transducers

AMS 3210 2 channel axial position/expansion transmitter  for eddy probe transducers

AMS 3220 Zweikanal Exzentrizitäts- Transmitter für Wirbelstromsensoren

AMS 3311 Drehzahl- und Keyimpuls- Transmitter

AMS 3410 Zweikanal Verlagerungs- Transmitter für induktive Sensoren

DOPS Drehzahlüberwachung

DAPS Positionsüberwachung

Die Serie besteht ebenfalls aus einer Anzahl kompakter ein-oder zweikanal Modulen, welche nebeneinander in ein Rack eingesteckt werden. Die intelligenten Module können via Bus verbunden und einfach über einen Notebook PC programmiert werden. Automatische Sensorerkennung, sowie Linearisations Algorythmen sowie Parameteränderungen während des Betriebs sind nur einige interessante Eigenschaften. 

AMS 6110 Zweikanal Wellenschwingungs- Monitor

AMS 6120 Zweikanal Lagerschwingungs- Monitor

AMS 6140 Monitor für absolute Wellenschwingung

AMS 6210 Zweikanal Wellenverlagerungs- Monitor

AMS 6220 Zweikanal Exzentrizitäts- Monitor

AMS 6310 Zweikanal Key - Impuls Monitor

AMS 6312 Zweikanal Drehzahl Monitor

AMS 6410 Zweikanal Messverstärker für induktive Wegaufnehmer

AMS 6418 Absolut-/ Relativdehnungs- Messverstärker

AMS 6710 Vierkanal Trennverstärker

AMS 6720 Ausgangs Relaiskarten mit integrierter Eingangslogik

AMS 6730 Vierkanal Spannungsversorgung

PR9266 Series 10-1000Hz Velocity transducer

PR9268 Serie 4-1000Hz Velocity transducer

these robust velocity transducers can be utilised for machine absolute vibration measurements. They posess a frequency range from 4 to 1000Hz with a temperature range of up to 200°C (392°F)

PR 9266/.. and PR 9268/.. Electrodynamic absolute vibration sensors

These highly robust eddy probes are utilised for non contact position monitoring (shaft position, expansion, valve position). A wide frequency range makes these eddy probes ideal for dynamic non contact measurements such as relative shaft vibration, excentricity or for non loading vibration measurements.

PR6422 Series measurement range ±0.5mm
PR6423 Series measurement range  ±1.0mm  
PR6424 Series measurement range  ±2.0mm
PR6425 Series measurement range  ±2.0mm
PR6426 Series measurement range  ±4.0mm

CON011 - 041 Converter Modules