Rotating Machinery

Elstar has worked closely with several large rotating machine manufacturers to create a range of equipment suited to measuring Balance, Run out, Vibration, Go/NoGo, Machine Condition and more. We have equipment in factory shop floors, large balancing facilities, Nuclear Power Plant as well as in the field of vibration diagnostic.

We also have a team of engineers who have many years of experience of on site machine diagnostics. We would be happy to assist you with our Elstar Services team to solve your rotating machinery problems.


ELSTAR offer a range of products concentrating on the rotating machinery industry. We have concentrated our efforts over many years to develop software, hardware and service solutions to assist in increasing efficiency and quality when carrying out vibration analyses or balancing medium to large rotors. We offer a range of standard products which can be scaled to your application or we are happy to work with you developing customised solutions. We have been able to assist companies worldwide with solutions enabling them to increase their efficiency and productivity.

ORION – A robust multichannel vibration measurement system.  When coupled with Cabstar, Orion serves as a powerful and compact field rotor dynamics and balancing system for turbomachinery.  When coupled with Corvus, Orion offers a flexible solution to virtually any multichannel dynamic measurement requirement. 

Dynamic inputs

  • 6, 12 or 24 dynamic channels,
  • BNC connectors
  • +/- 30 V range, 24 bit
  • Fmax: S series 5 kHz, H series 40 kHz
  • AC, DC, IEPE coupling selectable per channel

Process inputs

  • 6 process channels
  • BNC connectors
  • +/- 10 V range, 14 bit

Speed inputs

  • 2 speed inputs
  • BNC connectors
  • +/- 24 V range
  • Speed range DC to 500 kHz
  • Automatic and manual trigger threshold control


  • Industrial computer with dual core i7, 4 GB RAM
  • 2x USB, 1x Gb LAN
  • Integrated keyboard and trackpad
  • External mouse and keyboard support via USB
  • 15.6", 1920x1080p, backlit, anti-glare LED display
  • Display protected by bonded toughened glass

A highly advanced Rotor Run Out system using wireless technoledgy. Mechanical, Electrical and total Runout can be measured, recorded and analysed.

  • Simple probe setup utility
  • Predefined reporting function with amplitude and phase plots which can be setup to match the required format
  • Mathematical function for mechanical or electrical subtraction
  • Data acquisition module interface via WiFi allowing cable free operation between the system workstation and the measurement unit.
  • Operation via tablet
  • Wireless connection to the reference sensor
  • System workstation  is mobile being built onto a trolley
  • Simple to use project orientated data base system 

ELSTAR’s highly flexible rotor analysis and balancing system which has been installed in balancing facilities worldwide and is also in portable form for problem solving  for onsite work .

  • Flexible rotor balancing
  • Up to 64 dynamic measurement channels for absolute bearing, relative shaft and absolute shaft vibration measurements (24 Bit amplitude resolution) 
  • Generator rotor temperature measurements 
  • Balancing on up to 16 correction planes 
  • Up to 10 balancing speeds. Cabstar stores and utilises raw data therefore it is possible to change balancing speed at any time after data acquisition has been performed 
  • Automated run up, constant speed and run down modes of data acquisition and storage 
  • A comprehensive range of plots on 9 different levels which can be used during live data acquisition and on store data 
  • Simple to use project orientated data base system 
  • Residual unbalance calculation and reporting function to ISO-standards 
  • Balancing weight position calculator for consolidating or splitting of fixed or variable weights 
  • Run out compensation 
  • Display multiple plots (Bode, Vector, Waterfall, shaft centre line, tables,trends etc.)
  • Ring buffer storage to capture transient events.
  • Influence coefficients are stored and can be used in future projects to significantly reduce the number of measurement runs 
  • Training package option where a complete balancing and data acquisition exercise can be carried out using a virtual rotor which reflects the response characteristics of a real pedestal /rotor combination. 
  • Low Speed Balancing The low speed balancing module can be purchased as a stand alone system, or as an option of Cabstar. When supplied as an upgrade to an existing installation, this module can utilize the existing transducer setup for data aquisition or we can provide a drop in solution to meet your pedestal requirements. The low speed balancing software is extremly simple to use and once input channel definitions have been established,the rest of the operation is confined to three windows.

ELSTAR CALSTAR is a multi purpose calibration system designed to work as a stand alone vibration transducer calibrator, a balance facillity bearing pedestal stiffness measuring system or a Cabstar signal line calibrator. 

  • Vibration transducer calibration test set: Using the back to back method the transducer to be calibrated is attached to a reference transducer mounted on a special calibration vibrator. Single, Multiple or random testing is possible with results being printed on a calibration certificate.
  • Balancing facility pedestal bearing stiffness measurement: Utilising three calibrated force transducers mounted around a centrifuge, the amount of centrifugal force applied to the bearing pedestal is measured and the response in vertical and horizontal axis is acquired. The resultant stiffness measurement is calculated over the entire speed operating range of the pedestal. This information can be applied to the CABSTAR balancing system for stiffness compensation or for low speed balancing.
  • CABSTAR Balancing facility Calibration: When calibrating transducers in balancing facilities equipped with Elstars CABSTAR data acquisition module, it is possible to make a network connection between the systems. This enables CALSTAR to compare the locally measured vibration transducer with the measurement taken by CABSTAR thus establishing any line loss between transducer and the control room data acquisition input. The line loss can then be compensated in Cabstar

Develloped while working closely with our customers requirement for matching turbine blade first and second resonant frequencies on blade rows.


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